How you can donate and help ASHRAE be better!

The Research Promotion Committee manages and supports both the Society-level fundraising and Chapter-level fundraising of the RP Campaign. Traditionally supporting just research, the RP Campaign was expanded 10 years ago to include support of Education & ALI, Endowed Research through ASHRAE Foundation, YEA programs, ASHRAE Scholarships, and the General/Unrestricted fund. Research, the backbone of ASHRAE, remains the primary fund of the program with over $2 million raised for this program annually.
It’s the Research Program that sets ASHRAE apart from other professional societies and associations of its kind. ASHRAE’s Handbook series, technical programs, standards, and special publications all utilize the results of Research conducted through ASHRAE funding. ASHRAE conducts timely research to remain the foremost, authoritative and responsive international source on the interaction between people and the indoor and outdoor environment through the operation of HVAC&R systems in buildings and other applications.
Research Donations in particular are the foundation of the ASHRAE Research Program. We at the Rocky Mountain Chapter of ASHRAE would like to invite you to become more involved in our chapter activities, but we realize your contribution may be by donating to ASHRAE Research projects. Your donation earns recognition in the form of a plaque, and an announcement at each Chapter meeting throughtout that donation year. We encourage you to participate in ASHRAE activities and donate as much as you can. ASHRAE is a not-for-profit organization and needs your support for continued success! The Rocky Mountain Chapter of ASHRAE has continued to raise the bar for research funding, and we couldn’t have done it without your help. The attached form lists current reasearch projects in our area that are funded by ASHRAE Research donations.
The Research promotion goal for the entire Society for 2017-218 is $2.45M. The Southern California Chapter's goal is $13,500.00.
ways you can donate:
You can catch any of the chapter officers at the monthly chapter meeting and we can help you on the spot!
You can click here:
You can email our Research promotion chair, Taraneh Shoorideh